How to get a mortgage in the Czech Republic?

1. You apply to the agency EU-REAL sro. Mobile phone in Prague +420 777 22 00 88 Telephone +420 257 320 626, contact: Nick Stepanenko, Elena Erushina. The address of our office in the CONTACT section.

All the technology design, the necessary forms, powers of attorney and other documents to obtain credit, you will provide professional banking consultants working in the company EU-REAL.

2. EU-REAL prepare all necessary documents to obtain credit. Experienced Lawyers Czech Agency EU-REAL - members of the Chamber of Lawyers CR guarantee the purity and reliability of the transaction, if you do not have company in the Czech Republic, then sign up for your company, provide full legal support. Our firm of accountants and tax advisers, for its part will take care of the correctness of your company and registration of transactions and payments.

3. Agency EU-REAL The database will provide you with an extensive all types of real estate or the Czech Republic will select the object you want on your individual order.

Credit is available for buying apartments, houses, land, building houses, and the purchase of larger objects, such as hotels, office buildings, etc.

Design, consultation, complete check of real estate, preparation or adjustment of contracts, transfer agreements and other documents into Russian court interpreter, if necessary for the banks, as well as a mortgage loan - the whole procedure is carried by our company under the control of the Czech lawyer - a member of the Chamber of Lawyers .

4. In our agency you will have a free professional consultation, which may offer a mortgage program from a few major banks in the CR, and depending on whose program the bank for you at this time would be most beneficial, you can choose your ideal option.

Banking consultants perform weekly monitoring of all major banks in the CR, which allows customers to ensure EU-REAL most favorable conditions for obtaining credit.
Who can get a loan in the Czech Republic and what is needed?

1. Individuals who have permanent residence in the territory of the Czech Republic.

2. Legal persons (companies), registered in the Commercial Register of the CR. When selecting some loan programs in this case, the presence or absence of a visa have credited the alien is irrelevant. Credit may be issued as new just registered firms, as well as the already existing company with a long credit history and existing permanent income.

In our experience, banks prefer to deal precisely with the new firms that have no history and were founded with the purpose of acquiring real estate.

Our company is EU-REAL has issued loans to hundreds of families from Russia and neighboring countries in the Czech Republic's leading banks, such as Raiffeisen Bank, the bank Ceska Sporzhitelna, Mortgage Bank, Uni Credit Bank, Komercni Bank and others
Terms of mortgages for foreigners:

In connection with the tightening of banks' requirements presented in the Czech Republic, to the issuance of mortgage credit, beginning in January 2009 mortgage jur. person may be issued in an amount not to exceed 70% of the appraised value.

If you only need a mortgage loan of up to 55% of the appraised value of the apartment, then to you nothing except a registered company in the Czech Republic would be required. All other required documents and information prepared by our agency.

If you want to get a loan amounting to 70% of the appraised value of real estate, you need the following documents:

1. Opening of a new company with activity - for rent.

2. All of the founders of the firm are the guarantors of the loan, therefore, each of the co-sponsors will sign a variety of banking and other statements and commitments, so if the personal presence of founders for some reason not possible, it will be necessary powers of attorney, preparation of which will also provide our agency.

3. To obtain a loan amounting to 70% of the appraised value of the property will need to provide information about your income from the country of nationality or the territory of the Czech Republic. A more detailed list of required documents confirming the income you will be given when you contact our agency.

4. Basic terms of lending entity (firm) - maximum 70% of the appraised value, the natural person with permanent residence - up to 75% of the appraised value, max. term lending entity - 20 years old, a natural person - 40 years, depending on the age and type of credited loan interest rate - from 5,5 to 7,8% per annum, depending on the type of lending, fixation time, amount, and so d.

Credit account - from 50 to 300 kroons per month, depending on the bank.

5. Collateral: mortgages, notarial act on the recognition of the debt and the possibility of non-judicial solutions selling real estate in the event of default on the loan, some banks and a deposit account at 6 monthly payments on the loan.
The benefits of mortgage lending unquestionable and obvious:

1. Mortgage - this is an opportunity to become owner of the property in the short term and move into his own apartment, without spending the money to pay rent, as well as draw a residence permit required for obtaining a visa.

2. Mortgage - is an investment. Prices are rising, but you pay in installments the cost of your property fix.

3. Mortgage loan can be repaid early without penalty.

If you have any questions, please contact by phone in Prague
(+420) 777 22 00 88 mob. or (+420) 257 320 626 Stationary
or send your questions by e-mail:
The world's first banknotes of 150 Hong Kong
dollars (19.3 U.S. dollars) will be released in Hong
Kong, Standard Chartered Bank to the 150 anniversary of the Bank in the city, reported local media on Wednesday.
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One million new banknotes will be put up for auction at a price nearly twice higher than their nominal value. Banknotes possessing «happy» numbers, for example, «888888», will be sold at auction in October at a price not less than 387 dollars.
The proceeds from the auction money will go to charity.

Standard Chartered Bank is the oldest of the three banks in Hong Kong, with the power to issue banknotes.
Today's situation is out of World economy from a local recession - not the end of the crisis, but rather an opportunity to discuss further ways out of it, according to National Economy Academy under the Government of Russia, professor Vladimir Mau. «It seems that the crisis will last many years. Statements that the crisis ends, not entirely correct. A local recession, probably finished, but this crisis will cover, in my opinion, a much longer period of time », - he said at the« round table »Wednesday in Novosibirsk.

Mau said that the general downturn in the economy of Russia in the past three months had stopped, but «it is still nothing says». «The real sustainable trend can say, if the positive rate of quarterly, preferably two or three blocks», - said the rector. According to him, the current situation - an occasion soon to discuss what to do next, what measures of support for the economy are needed. «The current economic recovery may be compared with the fact that« patient »breathes, not because he could breathe, but because he still has oxygen bag. Therefore, an important question - how much it can go on measures of state support. It is still unknown what are the consequences of withdrawal of these measures, and will not die if «patient» », - said Professor Mau.

In his view, continuing the current economic crisis is less painful, but much more intellectually complex than with the crisis of 90 years in Russia. «We often compare this crisis with a 90-mi years. Of course, those years were extremely socially painful. GDP fell than 10% and 40%, unemployment was higher in the first year was a four-digit inflation. But intellectually the crisis was much more simple. What to do with inflation and budget deficits - dozens of countries have passed through it, who successfully who is not », - said Mau.

He called the crisis that began in 2008, an enormous intellectual challenge for economists all over the world and noted that many phenomena encountered at the present time, no one has encountered ever before.
The idea of reforming the global financial architecture and reducing the value of the dollar as the world's main reference currency is becoming more and more supporters. The need to create a new universal Reserve said the UN experts in the annual report of the Conference on Trade and Development. In their view, the need for change became evident in the face of the credit crisis, so the UN proposes to strengthen the significance in the calculation of special drawing rights (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to strengthen the financial weight of developing countries and establish a central reserve bank.

According to the authors of the UN report, «the dominance of the dollar as the primary means of international payments played an important role in the accumulation of global imbalances in anticipation of the financial crisis». Therefore, the UN offer to diversify its global reserves by reducing the share of the dollar and the simultaneous deposit of dollar assets by central banks in the «special account replacement» IMF, nominated in the SDR. In general, the new financial system needs to counter speculative operations in international currency markets to prevent credit crises and strengthen the importance of developing countries.

The idea of reforming the world monetary system is discussed in all the major political and economic forums, including the «big twenty», a regular meeting of member countries which will be held in late September in the United States. In this process, in fact, already started, and his hallmark has been the rise of developing economies. «Weight of developing countries in reformed global financial system is certainly better, - said an analyst with RBC daily Economist Intelligence Unit, Gerard Walsh. - This process has already begun - witness the increase in the number of votes of developing Asian countries in the IMF's board of directors ».

One of the main initiators of the reform is China. Beijing in recent months has consistently strengthened the international position of their national currencies by entering into bilateral agreements on currency swap with Argentina, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, Belarus and Hong Kong (part of China but enjoys financial autonomy). In addition, the Ministry of Finance yesterday announced the release of 28 September in Hong Kong, RMB-denominated government bonds worth 6 billion yuan (879 million) - this location will be the first outside mainland China. According to the publication of the Hong Kong Standard, in a further volume of state bonds may rise to 100 billion yuan (14.64 billion U.S. dollars).

«The main task of China is to strengthen the role of the national currency as an international, Beijing also wants to push the other BRIC countries to the same step - explained RBC daily economist at Chatham House Vanessa Rossi. - Announcing the launch of renminbi-denominated state bonds made on the eve of the summit «big Twenties» and will be welcomed by the leading emerging economies ».

Against the background of the latest initiatives of the UN and China, the U.S. currency continues to lose position: during the European trading yesterday, the dollar fell to an annual minimum of a basket of major world currencies. Simultaneously, the cost of gold futures for the first time in the past six months exceeded 1 thousand dollars per ounce. All this confirms the concerns of investors the prospects of the U.S. currency.

China, like Russia and other BRIC countries, will reduce dependence on the dollar, are gradually diversifying their currency reserves. However, this process will still be slow, and the final configuration updated global financial system are not yet fully clear. «At the moment there is no doubt decline in the future role of the dollar in international trade, but I doubt that this will adequately increase the role of the SDR. Yes, and a full-fledged world Reserve Bank in the foreseeable time - a highly controversial issue - said the director of the Treasury of the Eurasian Development Bank Sergey Elagin. - Rather soon lost from the dollar's position will be replaced as the European currency, and the strongest regional currencies, especially the currencies of BRIC countries ».